Sunday, February 17, 2008

Was America really neutral in world war I ?

World War I also known as “The war to end all wars” was the earths first global military conflict. Fought between Allied Powers and the Central Powers the war lasted for five to six years. There were four head concepts that caused the beginning of the war. The rise of nationalism between different European ethnic groups ,that had along ago been take into the European empires, were now looking for elected governments that would strive for their interest, such as the Austro-Hungarian empire .The growth of imperialism thru out Europe created hostilities and or rivalries between countries for newly discovered colonies ,such as Germany and Britain fighting over Africa. The formation of secret/non-secret alliances ,in result of imperialist rivalries, were made for example the Central Powers. Increased militarism by key European empires such as France , Britain, and Germany. When World War I broke out the United States declared its policy of neutrality. The fact of the matter is that the united states was never truly neutral. This is due Political. Economic, Social .

From the beginning of the war the united states issue a policy of neutrality . This policy stated that the united states would remain out of war as a neutral party. President Wilson believed that the U.S being neutral could some how negotiate this war to an end . From the beginning there were problems with neutrality. This started with the British seizing any ship they saw. The united states argued that they were violating international law. The British argued back that these ships carried contraband intended for Germany , which would be against the united states policy. On the other side of the playing field Germany was having there own share of infractions. early on in the war the Germans had declared British water was a war zone and they begin unrestricted warfare on ships. After the sinking of the Lusitania ,the United States was furious. A American Customs Inspector In New York question if the Lusitania had ammunition on it and who was it cosigned to (Doc F). It was answered that there were 5468 cases and it was cosigned to a ammunition store in Woolwich , England. This is not neutral cause it suggest that the U.S. is with the allies. Wilson then threatened to severe diplomatic relations if Germany cautioned unrestricted submarine warfare .in 1915 the Germans sent the New York Times a message to all travelers of the sea that any ship headed to Britain would be attack(Doc E). This shows the us no being neutral because the us gave the Germans a reason to even believe that we were allies with Britain. Soon again two Americans were injured .Wilson sent another warning to the Germans which resulted in the Sussex pledge. In 1917 the Germans begin unrestricted warfare again and Wilson lead the united states into war.

The biggest problem about the war for the united states was that it interfered with international trade. Since the beginning the British and Germans had been blockading non neutral ports. The British would blocked Germany to cut off supplies for them as well as the allies. Robert Lansing , the former secretary of state during world war 1wrote in his memoirs wrote about how ships would be delayed for weeks because of searching’s(Doc C). This shows that there were major hostilities between neutral countries and each of the powers. The united states being a powerful countries it was suspicious to have them trade with enemy countries. But from 1914-1917 trade between the allies was bountifully increase where as trade with Germany had decrease intensely. The united states was growing more closer to joining the war on the allies side. Especially when the united states allowed J.P Morgan loan France and Britain $3 Billion dollars.

The American public was very influential before the ware. The views of the public were secreted among ethnic groups but it seemed certain that the majority of the public were for the allies. In 1914 Professor Hugo Munsterberg wrote a letter to Wilson about the neutrality question ( Doc B). He stated the united states was technically was on the side of the allies because when the British violated the international law we didn’t to anything. March 1, 1917 the Zimmerman note was intercepted. The note was from the Germanys foreign minister, Alfred Zimmerman , to Mexico. It proposed a deal with Mexico , if Mexico joined the war on the central powers side then the states they lose in the Mexican-American war would be returned. This angered the public very much and this forced Wilson to step into war.

Thou the united states in the beginning was neutral that soon faded. April 2, 1917 Wilson urged congress to declare war. The united states was inevitably going to enter the war. The Germans hunger for power was creating chaos in Europe . Des Moines Redighter illustrated the Idea in a picture called Python (Doc I). It Depicts a python (Germany) apparently poisoning Europe . This relates to the united states because once Germany had take over Europe then trade would be dead and the Germans would try to take over America. This made the U.S. side with the allies from the beginning which was not neutral.

The United States was never really neutral .the unrestricted warfare on the behalf of the Germans. The economic deals and loans. The incite of the public were all reasons why the united states was not neutral. Thou Wilson tried to keep his country out of war he did not succeed . But the United states entering the war was actually what helped end it so maybe we should thank the Germans.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

To what extent is the statement,"The primary factor in the united states adopting a policy of imperialism was econmic" , correct?

Even before the Civil war the United states had started to expand into the west. By the end of the nineteenth century the expansion of the united states from the Atlantic to the Pacific was complete. This all due to the many treaties of war, conquests, and gaining land from the native Americansand orther countries. With the Continent conquered , the united states decide to expand beyond its borders. Imperialism played a big part in U.S. Territorial expansion. through imperialism the united states began their international empire with the victory of the Spanish - American war. The primary factor in the united states adopting a policy of imperialism was not completely economic. To be correct the primary factor was political. this is due to the basic role of imperialism ,the closing of the frontier, the justifications of imperialism , supporters of imperialism.

Imperialism can be found through out history. Imperialism is the ideology of extending a nation's authority by territorial conquest establishing economic and political domination of other nations.their are two types of imperialism they are formal and informal. Formal imperialism is when a nation directly politically and military takes over a country. Some examples of this is is when the united states had the acquisition s of Guam ,Hawaii ,and Puerto Rico.Informal imperialism is when nations take control by drafting treaties and policy's.One policy is the Open Door policy which allowed the any area to penetrate by imperialism nations such as the united states.

Before the united states could expand beyond it boundaries it had to conquer the whole Continent first. the united states had been collecting territory since 1783 with the first Treaty of Paris.during the end of the nineteenth century the whole Continent was almost conquered all that was left were the native American territories. Indians were encouraged to sell their vast tribal lands and become "civilized", which meant for Native American society to reorganize and destroy traditional customs. this resulted in major many tragic crime such as the battle of little big horn when general Armstrong Custer's army slaughtered all the Sioux women and children. Alternate ways of perstion were assimilation and The Dawes-Severlaty Act.

Imperialism being a touchy subject many tried to come up with justifications for imperialism. Alfred T. Mahan’s view of imperialism was the United States now being a world power it must develop a great navy. It would increase the militaries power and also the United States new global standing. But first the U.S. had to acquire colonies. This book also affected Theodore Roosevelt who was also a historian. Another justification is of religion. This meant that if we went to other “uncivilized” countries and Christianize them to make them “civilized” it would be religiously justified.