Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Why I Wanted To Be In AP US history

The reason why i wanted to be in AP US History is because my favorite subject is history. I like to read about people and what they did and how it changed the world. I also like to hear about different types of culture and how they live and prospered. But in this class i will only be learning about cultures that were within and that came in contact with the united states. I also wanted to be in this class because i want to be challenged. I think that a challenged would be good for so that i can be more focused , not to mention that it would be a big accomplishment. Plus when i pass the AP test then that would another great accomplishments. I also took this class because i take history seriously no matter what country or topic it is about. History is very crucial because if we don't know our past we can never learn from the mistakes we made to get to the future.

1 comment:

Mr. Brush said...

I like your attitude and your perseverance will be see over the year.